
Showing posts from February, 2019

XCH4NGE - More than P2P Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies and other digital assets bring the revolution in the financial ecosystem.  Only in 2017 digital currencies market capitalizations grew by 3171% to $700 billion. Unfortunately, cryptocurrency growth provoked negative reaction from traditional banking system. Conservative institutions have closed traders accounts and exchanges, spread misinformation in the media, and forced the implementation of sophisticated procedures. But in fact, cryptocurrencies open huge economic and investment opportunities. However, many people stay aside because of lack of information and security concerns. For example, opening trading accounts on exchanges can be quite a difficult task for “green” users. Many exchanges restrict new accounts registration or require users to pass verification procedures by submitting pictures of their passports online.  So, currently centralised cryptocurrency exchanges suffer from security risks, long waiting and unreasonable requirements. Thus, th

SATT - Smart Advertising Transaction Token

SaTT (Smart Advertising Transaction Token) is a platform for advertising campaigns using blockchain technology. The advertiser has the opportunity to promote products and services of his company without intermediaries, as well as to analyze and safely store past advertising campaigns. This project will allow to receive full reporting and visibility of the work done at any time, will exclude the possibility of viewing products by bots, will increase the audience for businesses, shops several times, as more than 4 million users are already using applications of this company. How It Work ? The Smart Contract SaTT allows the advertiser to run ads based on its performance goals and can track the evolution of its advertising campaign on the interfaces that it used to use as Google Analytics, Instagram, Facebook Analytics. The interaction between users on the platform is provided through smart contracts. Smart contracts have several functions. The problem w

Isibeli adalah mata uang digital masa depan

Isibeli adalah mata uang dengan tujuan mendefinisikan untuk menyediakan pengguna dengan cara yang cepat, aman, pribadi, dan stabil untuk bertransaksi internet. Transaksi bitcoin yang lebih cepat dan lebih murah akan segera hidup. Meskipun transaksi semacam itu belum tersedia secara umum untuk umum dan mungkin masih terbatas pada antarmuka command line, namun itu mengintip bagaimana masa depan akan terlihat bagi pengguna bitcoin biasa. Biaya blockchain tradisional dan waktu konfirmasi tidak dapat diterima. Cryptocurrency sangat fluktuatif, dan hanya pada waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk transaksi untuk mengkonfirmasi, harga sering berubah. Ketidakstabilan ini membuat pengguna, pedagang, dan lembaga keuangan berada pada posisi yang sangat tidak menguntungkan. Tidak puas dengan solusi yang ada di pasar, Isibeli hadir untuk menciptakan teknologi blockchain baru yang akan menyelesaikan masalah ini. Isibeli (BEL) adalah cryptocurrency peer-to-peer dan bisnis-ke-bisnis yang diranca